Dani Surname is a multidisciplinary artist based in London, specialising in Live Art, Photography and Printmaking. Originally from North East England, Surname uprooted to study a BA (Hons) in Drama at Queen Mary, University of London. Interrogating the contradictions of her queer, neurodivergent identity, Surname’s practice currently explores Northern and femme identity through memory and sensory stimuli. Using performance to stage temporary freedoms from social constraints, her work focuses on actions that build to a climax through repetition or extension, often incurring discomfort or pain.
Surname’s written work is currently focused on Live Art in gallery spaces, researching the effects of post-white cube aesthetics and expectations on body-based artwork. This research is summarised in her MA thesis The Consumer is Present: Live Art and the Consumer/Commodity Dynamic, and continues to influence her artistic practice.
Surname also works as a photographer specialising in Live Art and Performance, and prides herself on collaboratively working with artists to represent their live work photographically. For examples of this work, see the Photography page, and use the Contact page to enquire availability for your own project.
Physical work, such as prints and paintings, are also available for purchase. Please see the Printmaking page for examples, and use the Contact page to register interest.
Photo by Jamie Genovese.